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Universal DNA Marker (100 bp ~ 10,000 bp, with loading dye)
1 marker good for all DNA gel running


Universal DNA Marker (100 bp ~ 10,000 bp, with loading dye)

Cat. #

$  89.00
(  50 rxn)          order from Fisher (Fisher Cat.# NC1492025)

$  169.00
(100 rxn)

(500 rxn)
Also can buy from :


Universal DNA Marker contains 10 DNA fragments, 10,000 bp, 5,000 bp, 3,000 bp, 2,000 bp, 1,500 bp, 1,000 bp, 750 bp, 500 bp, 250 bp, and 100 bp. This is a DNA solution with 1 × Loading Buffer. Directly load 5 μL Universal DNA Marker to electrophoresis gel when using. The 1,000 bp band is 150 ng / 5 µL and much brighter than the other bands as a visible reference indicator. The other DNA bands are ~ 50 ng / 5 µL.

This product is for research use only.

Product Size

W2583-50: 250 µL / 50 rxn
W2583-100: 500 µL / 100 rxn
W2583-500: 2,500 µL / 500 rxn

How to use

Load 5 µL of Universal DNA Marker to the agarose gel (If the sample hole is larger than 6mm, increase the sample volume proportionally) and run electrophoresis.

Shipping / Storage

Ship at 4℃. Store at -20℃ for up to 2 year. For frequent use, store at 4℃ for up to 6 months. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.

Manual (protocol)
  Universal DNA Marker                       
see all PCR kits


Universal DNA Marker, 100 bp ~ 10,000 bp DNA ladder

The gel image shown is 5 µL of Universal DNA Marker separated by 1% agarose gel.


  • Do not heat Universal DNA Marker before loading.
  • Please use fresh electrophoresis buffer and agarose gel for the best result.
  • High quality agarose should be used to avoid effecting the DNA bands and the recommended agarose gel concentration is 1% ~ 3%, recommended voltage is 4 ~ 8 v / cm.
  • The separation performance of DNA fragments in agarose gel is related to gel concentration. The higher concentration gel separates shorter DNA fragments better. The lower concentration gel separates longer DNA segments better.
  • This product is not for diagnostic use. The safety and efficacy of this product in diagnostics or other clinical uses have not been established.
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